Don’t’ cancel, postpone! We’re in this together!

Every time we get to write a blog post to share with you guys it’s positive. We’re used to sharing info, advice and tips about our favourite city (Palma) and island (Mallorca). This is why it feels weird to be ‘talking to you’ about not so good news.

We know you’re all worried. The COVID-19 took us all by surprise and is now forcing us to stay on lockdown. It is crazy to think how sometimes we’re not aware of the pros of our freedom until we lose it. Who else is craving for a hug? A drink with friends? A lunch by the sea? But don’t worry any more: it will all be back REALLY soon.

Nakar hotel rooftop pool Mallorca 2020 postpone

The only way to make this happen as soon as possible is to act with responsibility. Stay home. Stay safe. Be part of the change the world needs right now. It is not only about you, about me, it’s about all of us. And right now the world is saying ‘do not leave your house’.

If we act correctly during the upcoming weeks, we’ll get our regular lives back really soon. That’s a promise! Just hang in there and be strong!

Don’t cancel, postpone

We know many of you were supposed to come visit these weeks. And our hotel, just like many many others all overs Spain, is inviting you to not cancel that trip! Do not cancel your holidays, just postpone them!

Nakar Hotel Mallorca holiday 2020 postpone dont cancel

We want you to come visit as soon as we beat this virus; we want you to enjoy Nakar Hotel, Palma and Mallorca in general. Don’t cancel on us! Change your dates, re-arrange your holidays and come visit once we’re back to normal!

Nakar Hotel Rooftop palma summer 2020 postpone holidays

We will be SO happy to have you. And you will be SO happy to still have a holiday to look forward to! E-mail us right now at and we’ll get right to it to re-arrange your visit!

#Savetourism #Dontcancelpostpone