Meet the team at Nakar Hotel: Natalia García Palacio – waitress

It’s all about finding the right people. This is a thing that translates into every aspect of your life. We’re talking about friends, about a significant-other and about co-workers. At Nakar Hotel we just know that building a team that fits the concept and the overall vibes was the most important to offer our final guests a wonderful experience.

This is why everyone at Nakar Hotel plays a fundamental role. We believe in building a family, more than a group of working people and we are interested in everyone’s background, ideas and suggestions.
We L O V E our team. And we want you to love it (and get to know it) too. Here we come, another ‘meet the team’ article is just out of the oven!

nakar hotel team cuit restaurant palma

Meet the team at Nakar Hotel: Natalia

3 words that define you:
Responsible, loyal and kind

What you love the most about Palma:
It is a Cosmopolitan city with a really good and secure atmosphere and a perfect weather

Favourite street or area in Palma and why:
‘Passeig d’es Born’, because it reflects the change of season perfectly, showing the island’s beauty.

A secret spot on the island:
‘Es Guix’ restaurant in Lluc, a beautiful restaurant, with a natural water pool.

A #Nakar story to tell:
Thanks to the management of the hotel I had the opportunity to live the “Nakar Experience”, which allowed me to spend a night at the hotel to know and enjoy it at first hand, the sensations that our customers experience when they visit us.

You have a day off. Where do you go?
I’d go on a hike in any town or village of the island with my family, just the perfect day!

A town or village in Mallorca to get lost in: Deià

Top 3 restaurants in Palma:
El Aquanauta/ La Rueda / Fera Restaurant & Bar

You never have to leave Palma without…:
Visiting the Santa Catalina Market for a quick aperitif before dinner.