Palma Guide: olive oil from Mallorca

If you’ve been following us on social media or been reading our blog, you’re aware that we keep sharing fun and interesting information about Palma and the rest of the island. As you already know, we’re Palma and Mallorca – lovers and we just love to share our insider knowledge with everyone of you.

Today we won’t talk about a special place, about a plan for a day, about a ‘must’ visit, but we would like to talk about something you could take home with you after leaving our island. A product that has been part of Mallorca’s gastronomic tradition for many many years.

Olive oil from Mallorca: tradition and flavor


With over 750.000 olive trees, Mallorca is, for sure, an olive-island. So, it comes as no surprise to hear that this island produces extra virgin delicious olive oil! And if we think about the Mediterranean diet, we must say that olive oil is a key component to it, right?

Nakar Hotel Son Mesquida Olive Oil Mallorca

Son Mesquidassa

But Mallorca’s olive oil is special, as it’s produced from a specific type of olive that you can only find on the island: the varieties of ‘mallorquina’, ‘arbequina’ and ‘picual’. The olive oil produced with these varieties of olives is protected under the Denomination of Origin ‘oli de Mallorca’.

Nakar Hotel olive oil Mallorca

The island’s geo-climatic characteristics make it a perfect place to produce high-quality oil without chemical additives. If you’re thinking about what the best opportunity to discover these oils could be, we must say the popular fair ‘Fira de s’Oliva’, that takes place every year in November in Caimari is the answer. But if you’re in Palma at some other time of the year, we would be very happy to recommend our favorite Majorcan olive oil manufacturers: Son Moragues, Llágrima Verde, Son Mesquidassa and Aubocassa.

Nakar Hotel Palma Mallorca Olive Oil Spain